The Emanuel Prinz YouTube channel with Training Vodcasts and Interviews:
Free Catalyst Self-Assessment
More Publications on Movements
The Effective Catalyst: An Analysis of the Traits and Competencies of Pioneers who have Catalyzed a Movement – published in Global Missiology:
Does the DMM Approach Lead to Movement Breakthrough? – published in Global Missiology:
Prerequisites for Movements? Questioning Two Widely-Held Assumptions – published in Global
Missiology: http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/2550
The Role of Signs and Wonders in Movement Breakthrough – published in Global Missiology: http://ojs.globalmissiology.org/index.php/english/article/view/2696/6692
Prinz, Emanuel. 2023. “The Person, Not The Method.” Mission Frontiers 43(4): 42-47.
Daniels, Gene, and Prinz, Emanuel. „An Elusive Consensus: Traits and Competencies of Movement Catalysts.” Global Missiology 20(3):33-45.
Daniel, Gene, and Prinz, Emanuel. 2023. “Movement Catalysts’ Self-Awareness: A Factor in Fruitfulness.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 59(4):88-91.
Prinz, Emanuel, and Goldhor, Alison. 2023. “The Kind of Person God Uses to Catalyze a Movement; Traits and Competencies of Effective Movement Catalysts.” Journal Evangelical Missiological Society 3(3):60-73.
Hoskins, Daniel. G., and Prinz, Emanuel. 2024. Catalysts are more likely to start a movement the more they grow. Missiology, 52(2), 212-224.
Catalyst Competence Research March 2022
“Charisma and its Companions: Church movements need magnetic leaders. But the best leaders need more than charm" - Published in Christianity Today