Do you have a personal coach who helps you navigate your challenges, multiply your impact, and grow to the next level as a leader?
If not, I could offer that to you.
Working with me will
support you to navigate your biggest challenges
assist you to create solutions for your complex issues
give you the challenge and support to grow to the next level as a leader
offer you safe space and
cheer you on whenever you need it.

Through my coaching, I have effectively provided this kind of support to a lot of leaders like you before.
As a trained and licensed professional coach, with 15+ years of coaching experience, I have coached high-level leaders in several arenas. My clients include
the catalyst of a movement with 180,000 believers
a movement leader who sees 4,000 new churches planted every year in their movement
the chairman of the national peace and reconciliation committee of his nation, considering running for president
the global vice president of a multi-national corporation
the champion of a vision to plant 10,000 new churches within his denomination in Europe
the director of an NGO that was lauded by the UN as “taking the lead” in development work in the country
someone acknowledged to be a “world class expert” in coaching by a definitive publication
the global director of church planting in his agency
and more…
I welcome you to contact me for a free exploratory session. With no strings attached, we can explore together if I can offer you what you need.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Shodankeh Johnson, Founding Leader of the New Harvest movement Sierra Leone
“Emanuel has added tremendous value in the past years! My regular conversations with him help me personally to evaluate deeply and I take away new insights that shape our strategy. Our movements in the region have become more sustainable as a result. I thank God for Emanuel and strongly recommend him to any movement leader.”
Steven Steinhaus, New Generations Regional Director Southeast Asia
“Emanuel’s coaching has truly accelerated my growth as a movement leader. He has the special ability to help me understand myself and my movement context more deeply. First I thought I was too busy for this but now I don’t want to move forward without it. I highly recommend it to any movement leader.”
Jay Eastman, Global Director of Church Planting ReachGlobal:
Emanuel is a man after God’s very heart. He offers sound wisdom and insightful questions. He starts with the heart though, and continues to ask how I hunger for God Himself. This revealed areas in my life that needed gospel light and has dispelled the fear of man and working in my own strength. Working with Emanuel has invigorated my walk with Christ and my personal relationships, as well as renewed my mind and approach for equipping others to make a global impact.
DM, catalyst in the Gulf
“There is just so much I learn from Emanuel every time we meet! His coaching saves me from tons of trial and error and from mistakes I don’t need to make myself. His movement experience is vast and invaluable in our efforts to catalyze a movement. I used to play college football, and Emanuel is a true coach – he makes me better and equips me to win.”
M. & C., World Missionary Evangelism catalysts in the Horn of Africa
“With Emanuel you get both a coach and a mentor in one person. As coach, he asks us the most insightful questions that empower us to develop ways forward. When we ask him to speak from his experience, or when he puts the mentor hat on, what he has to say gives us guidance into the uncharted territories of our movement ministry. He is truly a God-send!”
Thierry Bossenga, New Generations Regional Director Central Africa:
“In our coaching relationship over the past years Emanuel has always been responsive to the issues that have been most pressing to me. His coaching has helped me greatly in the whirlwind of our 15 movements to counter the tyranny of the urgent and keep my priorities my priorities.”

If you are a women, and would like a female coach, I recommend my wife Anna. She is a licensed transformational life coach, has movement ministry experience, and has served in Tanzania, Egypt, Lebanon, and the UK. Find more information on www.crossroadscoach.co.uk