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MOVES™ - The Movement Coaching Training

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Coaching particularly for movement ministry


“MOVES™ – The Movement Coaching” is to our knowledge the first-ever coaching approach developed particularly for DMM (and similar movement strategies) practitioners. MOVES equips supervisors, coaches, and practitioners to evaluate deeply and hear from God, in order to gain insights that inform their strategy.


We initially developed MOVES for New Generations who use it with the ambition to train all 26,000 church planters of their global partners. 


We now offer MOVES to movement-oriented ministries. Our offer is to train the first cadre of leaders in three-day onsite training and resource them to train others in your ministry. We also offer to combine the onsite training with an online cohort, to continue to deepen the coaching skills of your trainees.


The MOVES training has been designed by a highly competent team who has grassroots experience in fruitful movement ministry and many years of experience in coaching movement leaders. They are licensed coaches and certified coaches who have worked in professional contexts.

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The Five Elements of MOVES Movement Coaching

MOVES Coaching consists of five consecutive elements that feature in every coaching conversation.


MEET: Objective is to build rapport between coach and catalyst. The essence is: Hello. How are you?


OUTCOMES: Objective is for the catalyst to determine the outcome he desires of this coaching session: Essential question is: What do you want?


VIEW: Objective is to look at current realities from different angles. Essential question is: What are you doing, and have been doing?


EXPLORE: Objective is to explore various options for ways forward. Essential question is: What could you do?


STEPS: Objective is for the catalyst to commit to specific steps forward. Essential question is: What will you do?


Register your interest in MOVES Coaching Training coming to your country, network, or ministry!

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