My new book Movement Catalysts is based on the first-ever empirical research on effective movement catalysts. It is anything but dry theory though. Quite the opposite, in the book you will find not only the catalytic qualities that characterize effective movement catalysts but even the best practices of each of the qualities, gleaned directly from their lives and ministries. Reading the book affords you the opportunity to learn from the best!
David Garrison says in his foreword: “I have become a big fan of Dr. Emanuel Prinz as a result of this insightful work. He has taken us to a new level of understanding and is showing us the way to better preparing God’s people to become the kind of leaders that He delights in using. My hat is off to Dr. Prinz. I commend this book to missiologists, missionaries, and Great Commission pursuers everywhere. Read it carefully. Then read it again. Let it inform your missionary community.”

Around the world, movements to Christ are sparking and flourishing in some of the darkest places while other Christian efforts have seen either little or no positive response. How do we attempt to explain this disparity? Movement Catalysts points to the apostolic leader as the critical factor in successfully catalyzing movements, arguing that wherever you see a movement, you will find a catalyst with a specific set of qualities.
In this groundbreaking book you will find:
best practices on movement ministry, gleaned from the lives of some of the most fruitful movement catalysts
the catalytic qualities that characterize effective movement catalysts
specific applications for movement mobilization, selection, and appointment of leaders
key areas of leadership development and training identified
For anyone serious about wanting to be used by God to start and sustain a movement, Movement Catalysts offers a blueprint of the person you will want to grow into. While we cannot manufacture a movement, we can take charge of the person we are becoming, acquiring and developing the catalytic qualities of a transformational catalyst.
Includes a free bonus catalyst self-assessment.
This is your opportunity to learn from the best!
Order Your Copy Now!
Ahmad Daldoum – First-generation Christ-follower and leader of a movement in Sudan:
We praise God that He sent Aman (Emanuel) to bring us God’s Truth and the Good News. In all the darkness in our war-torn land we can now see a light. When I ride on my donkey through our land, I can see life that wasn’t there before, in the trees, on the fields, in the faces of our people. We now work to complete the work Aman began – to win our entire people for Christ.
David Garrison, PhD – Author of Church Planting Movements:
I have become a big fan of Emanuel Prinz as a result of his scholarly and insightful work. He has taken us to a new level of understanding. His employ of the best social science methodologies has shown us the way to better preparing God’s people to become the kind of leaders that He delights in using. My hat is off to Dr. Prinz. I commend this book to missiologists, missionaries, and Great Commission pursuers everywhere. Read it carefully. Then read it again. Let it inform your missionary community. My prayer is that this fecund study will bear fruit in your ministry as well.
Steve Addison – Director of MOVE; Author of Pioneering Movements:
The Great Commission will be fulfilled through indigenous movements of multiplying disciples and churches. Emanuel Prinz’s research has pioneered new ground. It identified the recurring traits of leaders whom God has used to catalyze movements around the world. The conclusions you'll find in this book are based on careful field research and immensely useful for anyone desiring to be used by God this way.
Roy Moran – Founder and Chief Visionary, Shoal Creek Community Church; Chairman of the Board of New Generations:
Emanuel Prinz is the perfect storm. He was a movement practitioner on the ground in one of the hardest places in the world. He is an exceptional thinker about Great Commission stuff. He possesses the ability to translate theoretical data into practical and usable strategies. To our benefit, he is just getting started. You not only will want to read this book but anything he writes. I don't always agree with Emanuel but I am always served by interacting with his thinking.
Kevin Higgins, PhD – General Director of Frontier Ventures:
While movements, generally, have been a focus of research, our understanding of those who are being used to catalyze them has not had the same research-based documentation. Prinz' research is key to understanding what catalytic leadership looks like among movements. His conclusions lead to a profound insight: the character of a pioneer is crucial! Who we are matters even more than what we do and how we do it! This important topic will help those working in the areas of mobilization and training as they identify, select, and cultivate the next generation of leaders.
Dan Brokke, CEO, and Tim Freeman, EVP of Bethany International:
Based on the findings of this book, Emanuel developed the EXPONENTIAL™ Disciple-Making and Church Planting training, which is in already nine languages. The EXPONENTIAL™ is a key tool for Bethany's global expansion strategy and our vision to train catalysts through our 300+ GlobeServe missionary training programs worldwide. Bethany’s senior leadership is committed to taking this training to 70 nations. Leaders of missionary training programs everywhere should pay close attention to the findings of this book for their program development.
Mike Adegbile – Executive Secretary, Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association NEMA; Lausanne Leadership Team Nigeria:
Having watched Dr. Emanuel Prinz train approximately 1300 of our Nigerian missionaries, I heartily recommend his teaching and training based on his doctoral research. It has been of immense value to our Nigerian leaders and missionaries, and it is my conviction that it will be of similar value to the churches and missions movements in other African countries and the Global South in general. I wish to see it distributed widely.
Bill Smith – “The Father of Movements”; CPM Consultant and Trainer:
This book is a badly needed guide for those wanting to be effectively used by God. If that is your burning desire, read it!! His breakthrough conclusions help all of us. He has done us all a massive service by taking a snapshot – meticulously researched – of effective catalysts and creatively showing us who they are. Yes, he has practical insights on effective methodologies, and these are insightful and evidence based. But this is more than just the latest cookbook. He goes deeper and addresses more significant issues. Ultimately, he shows us the kind of person the Lord of the Harvest looks on with favor and uses to start a movement. hold it up like a mirror and examine the Biblical qualities Prinz identified in the lives of effective catalysts. Who do you know currently frustrated with their ministry status quo and tired chasing every new strategy? Send ‘em a copy!
Ralph Enlow, Jr., PhD – President Emeritus of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE):
I am pleased to offer my hearty endorsement of Movement Catalysts. I have avidly and admiringly relished the high honor of engagement with the underlying research from conception to completion as a member of the dissertation committee. This extraordinary, ground-breaking study, grounded in rigorous theory and methodology, will prove foundational to the study, strategy-formation, and service of many others seeking to develop leaders for effective CPMs. It will for many years to come contribute richly to the work of selecting, training, coaching, and evaluating CPM catalysts.
Ermias Mamo, PhD – Deputy General Secretary of Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church:
The church in African continent is growing and flourishing with all its challenges. For the church to function according to its calling the main thing has to be the main thing, which is discipleship. Without making disciples we will not accomplish our mission. Without our mission we will be non-existent. Dr. Emanuel Prinz's book provides a biblical and practical way of making disciples, which the Church will benefit from globally. I recommend this book to leaders, missionaries, and ministers at any level in Africa and beyond.
Ademola Olantunji – CAPRO Missionary, Africa Coordinator Big Life:
I have attended a number of different movement trainings and practiced and trained myself. Emanuel’s materials however are unique. They do not only equip, they promote personal revival in the field workers. Having attended Emanuel’s training, the personal experiences in it make one feel like running to implement immediately. That how I feel right now. I have used the material tri train all pioneer missionaries among the 22 unreached peoples in Mozambique.
Johannes Reimer, PhD – World Evangelical Alliance Director of Public Engagement and Director of Peace and Reconciliation Network:
Here my friend Emanuel Prinz presents us a matrix, a tool with which the suitability of candidates for pioneer ministry can be tested, as well as already sent movement workers can be further developed. This model is most helpful for all those in responsibility in mission ministries. It closes a gap in missions theory. Leaders of ministries, missiologists, and mission strategists are well advised to process this study thoroughly.
Sunday Adepoju, PhD – Executive Secretary, Church of Nigeria Missionary Society:
We as leadership of the Missionary Society in the Church of Nigeria have taken Emanuel’s EXPONENTIAL training to all our 167 dioceses in the country. It is our key mission mobilization tool, and through it we pray we will fulfill our vision of seeing all our 20 million members equipped as disciple-makers. Read his book and his book Movement Catalysts and his EXPONENTIAL Practitioner Manual, and you will understand how discipleship can become effective and reproducible.
Craig Ott, PhD – Professor of Mission and Intercultural Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School:
Only recently has serious empirical research on church planting movements been conducted. This work by Emanuel Prinz shows the way forward with an exemplary and expansive study on one of the most critical factors in the development of movements: catalyst leaders. His finding that the quality of the leader is more important than the correctness of the methods should cause everyone committed to advancing church planting movements to give careful attention to this significant work.
Samuel A.K. Dunya, Sr. – General Overseer, GlobeServe Ministries International; National Chairman, GlobeServe Hub Ghana:
Emanuel’s EXPONENTIAL training is so beneficial to the Church in Ghana that I have made it my ministry vision to take it to my entire nation and, in fact, all across West Africa. It is extremely effective to contribute to the completion of the task of reaching the unreached. We as GlobeServe Hub leadership are training leaders and missionaries in every single province of our nation, using the EXPONENTIAL training. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Jim Haney, PhD – Retired Director of the Global Research Department of the International Mission Board:
I have known Emanuel Prinz as a tireless trainer. You will find him as practical as he is intelligent and experienced.
The late Steve Smith – Author of T4T: A Discipleship Revolution, No Place Left:
Emanuel’s research is effective for all of us who minister with the vision to see movements happen.