Dr. Emanuel Prinz – boosting your ministry toward movements
Emanuel offers his expertise to YOUR MINISTRY if you are on the journey to movements or more movements!
God used Emanuel to catalyze a movement, and now Emanuel accelerates ministries in their journey to movements. Through consulting and training he adds value and depth to ministries with movements. ​
He has helped ministries particularly in the following areas:
Build and upgrade leadership development
Create and upgrade trainings
Coach movement and organizational leaders
Mentor cohorts of movement catalysts
Evaluate the quality of (emerging) movements
Make movements sustainable
Design and lead movement research
David Garrison: "Emanuel has shown us the way to better prepare movement catalysts.”
Dave Hasz: “Emanuel has been instrumental in championing change that has taken us to 15 movements.”
Meet Emanuel

Emanuel desires to live as the Father’s Beloved, to receive His love and pass it on to others, above all.
His life calling is to lovingly develop and resource pioneer leaders and to start up pioneer ventures, so that the kingdom will advance to the last unengaged people groups in this generation.
Emanuel has worked as a movement practitioner for more than 20 years and partnered with God to start a movement among an unengaged Muslim people group in North Africa.
Today he serves various ministries as movement consultant, coach, and trainer.
Having come face to face with his own brokenness during life's journey, he now ministers from a place of brokenness and deep dependence on the Father’s compassionate grace. He is happy to talk about his failures as much as his fruitfulness.
He is the author of Movement Catalysts, Exponential Disciple-Making, and What Actually Starts Movements (forthcoming).
Every month on average more than 200 practitioners are trained in his EXPONENTIAL™ movement training, which is available in ten languages.
His ongoing research into movements has been described as “the most comprehensive research on movement leaders" (Gene Wilson, ReachGlobal) and “the best in-depth research on movement catalysts” (David Greenlee, OM) and the broadest-ever research into movements.
Interested in boosting your ministry toward movements in any of these areas?

Endorsements from Ministries Served

New Generations, Board Chairman Roy Moran:
From the first interaction, I knew that Emanuel’s inviting presence and inquisitive mind were a resource I wanted to stay close to. Emanuel’s experience as a movement catalyst and his ability to absorb and make sense of complex realities make him a veritable Swiss Army knife on a team. His mental dexterity also lends to his value to unearth facts around movement and develop actionable intelligence. Whether he is working as a team member or on a team as a consultant, he provides a critical balance of challenge and support that help shape a positive future.

Bethany International, President Dr. Dave Hasz:
When Emanuel joined us, there were only three movements among all our partners globally. We made a shift to movement ministry and today, less than four years later, we are seeing 15 movements emerge. Emanuel has been instrumental in championing our change process, consulting across the board, mentoring leaders, guiding curriculum revisions, developing onsite and online training, which has led to training and mentoring more than 9,000 leaders worldwide, and helping to instill movement mindsets in our 350+ partner ministries. If your ministry is pursuing movements, I cannot recommend Emanuel’s services highly enough to you.

Shodankeh Johnson, Founding Leader of the New Harvest movement Sierra Leone:
Emanuel has added tremendous value in the past years! My regular conversations with him help me personally to evaluate deeply and I take away new insights that shape our strategy. Our movements in the region have become more sustainable as a result. I thank God for Emanuel and
strongly recommend him to any movement leader.
Vision 5:9 Network
GACX – Global Alliance for Church Multiplication
New Generations
Bethany International
LifeWay Global of Aila Tasse
Africa Transformation Initiative of Younoussa Djao
TWO FOUR EIGHT of David Broodryk
Central Africa Missions Outreach of Thierry Bossenga
African Inland Mission
Frontiers International
Global Assist
Ministries Served Include:
Globe Mission
GlobeServe International
3P Ministries
Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association (NEMA)
The Church of Nigeria (Anglican)
Kale Heywet Church Ethiopia
Pentacostal Church of Germany GROWEB
German Inland Mission (Deutsche Inland Mission)
The Light of Christ Bible Church, Sudan and South Sudan
Columbia International University
Bethany Global University
European School of Culture and Theology
The Church of England Myriad
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